Smart pads help seniors in nursing homes

Digitisation of public organisations – Liberec Region

Main idea

Reducing the risk of pressure ulcers through real-time positioning reporting and monitoring of the vital signs of seniors in nursing homes.

How we helped

As part of the Test Before Invest service, senior centres in Rokytnice nad Jizerou and Jindřichovice pod Smrkem were able to test smart mats from the Centre for Advanced Technologies at the Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Králové (member of the EDIH Northeast consortium). Thanks to this technology, these nursing homes are now getting real-time data on their clients. Pads fitted with sensors are linked to mobile phones and tablets placed in the nurses’ stations. If the readings deviate from pre-set parameters, an alert is sent to the connected devices. The reports include, for example, step counts, activity levels or data on CO2 levels, temperature or room noise. The system thus delivers continuous and accurate information on the quality of care.


The funding is being carried out in a Test Before Invest mode, where senior centres can test not only the smart mats but also wearable sensors that can evaluate the amount of CO2 in the air, humidity, temperature and other environmental values during a non-binding trial period.

Cooperating institutions

The Regional Development Agency through the EDIH Northeast Bohemia European project team, the Centre for Advanced Technologies of the Faculty of Science of the University of Hradec Králové (member of the EDIH Northeast consortium) and the directors of the retirement homes in Rokytnice nad Jizerou and Jindřichovice pod Smrkem.

The Future
This transfer of assistive technology is currently taking place thanks to the Regional Development Agency through the European project EDIH Northeast Bohemia, mainly in the Liberec and Hradec Kralove regions. However, EDIH Northeast services can be used by senior centres throughout the Czech Republic and the plan is to expand them. These technologies are not exclusively for senior centres. They can also be used, for example, by families for remote monitoring in the context of home care for their relatives.

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